Saturday, June 1, 2013

The North Carolina Arboretum

I'm not going to post my art today.  We went to the North Carolina Arboretum yesterday and there are so many pictures I want to post that I'm skipping "My Early Days".  To start, the mandatory photos of Sheila and me!  I met Sheila in college in 1966.  We were roommates in 1967 and very dear and close friends since.

Placing these photos is a nightmare.  I wanted them to be side-by-side, but no luck, so here is Sheila.

Then there was a lot of art scattered throughout the park and that is how this is OK, the mandatory art!  I failed to get some credit details on the outdoor sculpture but wanted to show it anyway.

Odd and Graceful 40x30 acrylic $2,900

Odd and Graceful 40x30 acrylic $2,900

Teresa Reilly 10-16-97, The Asheville Quilt Guild and The N.C. Quilt Symposium Board
Next came the Bonsai Garden which I was really taken with.  I photographed nearly all of the little guys!  Here are a few.

Shimpaku Juniper


White Spruce, Hybrid Azalea, Woody Thyme, Wooly Yarrow & Loosestrife

Christmas Cheer Azalea and Dwarf Kingsville Boxwood

American Hornbeam, Red Maple, Shrubby Saint John's-wort, Virginia Spirea & Rhododendron

Then there are some photos just around the park here-and-there I want to share.
A work shed, possibly a refreshment stand.  Notice the grass roof!


Under Pergola looking toward one of many gardens

An overview of the Quilt Garden

Glimpse of stream on our long walk.

Finally, the funny part was, Sheila wanted to see the Rhododendron garden.  We took what WE thought was a short path to it.  It turned out to be close to a mile and then we had to return.  We were whining, exhausted, tired, sweaty, aggravated and out of shape!  We did have to laugh at ourselves but at the same time, it was an awful experience and we never did find the Rhododendrons!  Here is a photo of where we entered on the left and exited on the right.  NEVER AGAIN!  And then, the nerve!  They didn't even have a badge for my walking stick!
Say Good Morning, Gracie!

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